Sunday, October 1, 2017

Touch Screen TSC2046 XPT2046

This library controls the IC TSC2046 included in some displays with touch screen. Buttons, Push Buttons, Switches and Potentiometers can be added in few seconds. This is a library designed for automation projects. You can use this library to control relays, leds, pwm and on-off control.

Using the library.
The control BUTTON makes a button with text. The size of button is determined by the text dimension.
Example. Draw and read a button at x = 10, y = 20, text = Power, state = 0.

The button is determined by a structure. The format of the structure is as follows.
BUTTON b = {10, 20, "Power", 0};

To draw the button is necessary to define the type of font. The button takes the size automatically.
TFT_SetFont(Courier_New_Bold_20, 1);

To Read the button the statement if or while can be used.
TFT_SetFont(Courier_New_Bold_20, 1);
if(Read_Button(&b) == 1) 
   // Your Code Here.

The control PUSH_BUTTON makes a push button.
Example. Draw and a read a push button at x = 10, y = 60, state = 0.

The push button is determined by a structure. The format of the structure  is as follows.
 PUSH_BUTTON pb = {10, 60, 0};

To draw the push button is used the following function.

To read the push button the statement while can be used.
         // Your Code Here.

The control ON_OFF_SWITCH makes a on-off switch.
Example. Draw and read a switch at x = 10, y = 100, state = normally closed.

The on-off switch is determined by a structure. The format of the structure is as follows.
ON_OFF_SWITCH s = {10, 100, 1};

To draw an on-off switch is used the following function.

To read an on-off switch the statement switch can be used.
           case 0: /* Your Code Here */ break;
           case 1: /* Your Code Here */ break;

The control POTENTIOMETER makes a potentiometer.
Example. Draw and make a potentiometer at x = 10, y = 140, range from -20 to 20, default value = 0, state = 0.

The potentiometer is defined by a structure. The format of the structure is as follows.
POTENTIOMETER p = {10, 140, -20, 20, 0, 0};

To draw the potentiometer is used the following function.

To read the potentiometer the statement do while can be used.
     // Your Code Here
    }while(p.state > 0);



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