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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


This display has the driver SSD1331 this one is a RGB OLED display, 65K color and SPI interface. So, our ili9341 driver was adapted to this display. Request.Email contact: Video.  Description of library. This function initializes the driver SSD1331.SSD1331_Init(void)Example:SSD1331_Init(); This function resets the driver SSD1331.SSD1331_Reset(void)Example:SSD1331_Reset(); This function draws a pixel.SSD1331_Pixel(x,...

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Touch Screen TSC2046 XPT2046

This library controls the IC TSC2046 included in some displays with touch screen. Buttons, Push Buttons, Switches and Potentiometers can be added in few seconds. This is a library designed for automation projects. You can use this library to control relays, leds, pwm and on-off control. Using the library. The control BUTTON makes a button with text. The size of button is determined by the text dimension. Example. Draw and read a button at x...

Saturday, August 20, 2016


The nRF24L01+ is a single chip 2.4GHz transceiver with an embedded baseband protocol engine (Enhanced ShockBurst™), suitable for ultra low power wireless applications. Looking in eBay I found the nRF24L01+ in three different modules. I bought the smd module, but for testing is better the module with pin header.   Description of library. Initializes the nRF24L01 module. NRF24L01_Init(mode, rf_channel) mode: Sets RX_MODE or TX_MODE. rf_channel:...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

MAX7219 7-Segment Display

Do you like the 7-segment displays? This board has a MAX7219, the board has eight digits connected in cascade. The board works at 5V and has SPI interface.   Video. Description of library. Initializes the MAX7219. MAX7219_Init(void)Example:MAX7219_Init();Writes a single digit.MAX7219_WriteDigit(c, digit) c: Sets the 7-segment character. digit: Sets the digit. Example:MAX7219_WriteDigit('2', 5); Writes constant numbers. MAX7219_ConstDigit(buffer); buffer:...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

DS3231 Library.

Professional library for projects where a RTC is implemented. Version 3. Request a copy.You can  send a request  to: This function initializes the RTC.DS3231_Init(void)Example:DS3231_Init(); This function gets the time and calendar information of the RTC. DS3231_GetInfo(void) Example: DS3231_GetInfo();  This function can be used to configure a new time and calendar information.DS3231_AddData(dat,...

Friday, October 23, 2015

Nokia 5110 LCD Library

The module Nokia 5110 is a monochrome graphic LCD with 48x84 pixels. This LCD has SPI interface and blue backlight. We can buy these modules for less 2 USD. Module Features. Resolution: 48 x 84 dot matrix panel. Power supply: 3.3V. Interface: SPI. Driver IC: PCD8544. Video. Request.Email contact: Description of library.Initializes the Nokia5110 module.Nokia5110_Init(void)Example:Nokia5110_Init();Sets font...