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Saturday, November 14, 2015

MAX7219 7-Segment Display

Do you like the 7-segment displays? This board has a MAX7219, the board has eight digits connected in cascade. The board works at 5V and has SPI interface.   Video. Description of library. Initializes the MAX7219. MAX7219_Init(void)Example:MAX7219_Init();Writes a single digit.MAX7219_WriteDigit(c, digit) c: Sets the 7-segment character. digit: Sets the digit. Example:MAX7219_WriteDigit('2', 5); Writes constant numbers. MAX7219_ConstDigit(buffer); buffer:...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

DS3231 Library.

Professional library for projects where a RTC is implemented. Version 3. Request a copy.You can  send a request  to: This function initializes the RTC.DS3231_Init(void)Example:DS3231_Init(); This function gets the time and calendar information of the RTC. DS3231_GetInfo(void) Example: DS3231_GetInfo();  This function can be used to configure a new time and calendar information.DS3231_AddData(dat,...